Vapour Blasting

Vapour blasting is used to finish metal components to an exceptional finish without doing any damage to the underlying metal.

 Because of this it can be used to clean the inside of an engine as well as the outside without damage to bearing surfaces etc. The process combines water, air and the medium which you are blasting to be accelarated at high pressure from a nozzle. The glass bead that is used is very fine and if looked at under a microscope would be round and not angular which is the norm on a traditional shot blasting system. This allows the cleaning of more delicate parts & leaves the surface with a satin finish that you can wipe away dirt so makes it easier to keep clean. It is particularly suitable for motorcycle & car alloy components etc. Our cabinet is 1.5 metres in widths so will accomodate parts from the smallest bolt to a large car engine block or cylinder head.